Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Rave and Review

Rave and Review

KaZAM Balance Bike {Review & Giveaway}

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 04:18 PM PST

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 30 Riding a two-wheeler is a huge milestone in a child's life and one that puts fear into the hearts of most parents. That's why we do crazy things like keep them on tricycles for longer than we should and adding training wheels to their big bikes. My husband even went so far as to suggest wrapping our children completely in bubble wrap when they first are learning to ride. As much as this seems like a great way to recycle our packaging, it also makes for difficult playdates and days on the bike trails. Since bicycling is a way of life here in the Northwest, we needed to come up with a solution for cycling as a family that...

Villeroy & Boch Sets Your Holiday Table

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 03:35 PM PST

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 29 A great deal of the magic of Christmas is the special items you adopt that then become a part of how you and your family celebrate the season. Whether it's a pair of handmade stockings or a collection of heartfelt ornaments, their arrival in your house signals the start of the holiday season. Villeroy & Boch knows all about preserving these holiday traditions and has been producing heirloom quality ceramics for over 260 years, including their newest holiday collections. We all remember that special set of dinnerware or the miniature Christmas Village that came out of storage each year and made the holidays come alive as kids. Once I was out on my own, I was determined to start...

Perplexus Puzzle Game {Review & Giveaway}

Posted: 10 Dec 2010 04:20 PM PST

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 28 In our house, mazes and puzzles are a very big deal and we love the challenge of racing each other or the clock to figure them out. But, as much as we love doing mazes and puzzles on paper, they are so much more exciting when they are in 3D, which is why we simply adore life size versions and games that have puzzle or maze aspects. Far and away the coolest new game that incorporates these is Perplexus, which just might be the most addicting single-person game ever. By completely enclosing a maze-like marble race track inside a clear basketball sized container, it allows you to pick up the game anytime you like and challenge yourself or your...

Cisco Valet Wireless Router {Review & Giveaway

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 09:15 PM PST

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 27 I really like things that just work. No complicated installation or start up process, no huge manual to read through, and I especially don't like having to decide between options I don't know the difference between. Unfortunately, my previous wireless internet experience included all of these. After our first phone company supplied wireless router died, I decided I would just go buy a new one and have us up and running in no time, but the reality was a little different. I ended up spending hours signing in to our network and running from computer to computer trying to get everything communicating like it had been. If only I had the new Valet wireless router from Cisco back then....

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