Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Climate Change Dispatch news

Climate Change Dispatch news

Link to Climate Change Dispatch

Carbon Warfare Rules of Engagement

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 01:38 PM PST


One cannot dismiss the claim that greenies have a warlike mentality concerning carbon energy use as hyperbole, when their own websites proclaim war.  Yes, a flamboyant billionaire, AIG and Goldman-Sachs protégées, a green energy investor and a European lotto mogul have combined forces to promote their green energy investments by government mandate.

Global Warming Hysteria: Obama and Bush–Kyoto Twins Separated at Birth

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 09:07 AM PST

Obama v Bush

This is hilarious.  For years we have been told by GWHs that President Bush was RISKING THE FUTURE OF THE PLANET! by rejecting Kyoto–the current global warming treaty that sets modest restrictions on carbon emissions.  (Most signatory nations have not met those goals, but these deals are often for talk as much as performance.)  Indeed, Secondhand Smokette and I once lunched with a well connected French diplomat in Paris, who stunned us by saying that he (and his colleagues) weren't really mad with B about Iraq, but Kyoto!

CO2-induced Vegetation Growth Slows Global Warming

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 09:04 AM PST

green earth

We are continually deluged with talk about positive feedbacks leading to even higher levels of global warming, but aside from the great water vapor debate, we rarely hear much about negative feedbacks which could act to slow the rate of temperature rise.

Well that is about to change.

Cancun Climate Talks Hunt for Compromises

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 08:51 AM PST

Greenpeace holds seabed protest in Cancun.Greenpeace holds seabed protest in Cancun.

With just two days left, delegates to the annual U.N. climate conference haggled and cajoled into the night in search of compromise on a raft of issues, including whether industrial nations should generate $100 billion a year, or up to $600 billion, to help poorer countries cope with global warming.

Coldest December for 100 years in Scotland and East Anglia

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 08:47 AM PST

In the ArmyTroops help to clear away ice and snow in Edinburgh today as Britain headed towards its coldest December
for 100 years.

The Army was called in today to help clear away ice and snow as Britain headed towards its coldest December for 100 years.

As temperatures plunged to -15c (5f) David Cameron ordered the military to step in and help the UK's beleaguered local councils.

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up: Dec 9, 2010

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 08:43 AM PST

EV's meet reality, loseEV's meet reality, lose

Al Gore gets religion, everything the weather does proves global warming is real and the WWF gives the world a document format that won't print.  On purpose.

Part One: Al Gore & Friends

A right-wing evangelical Bible-thumping bitter clinger hacked Al Gore's blog this week and posted this:

Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide now!

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 08:02 AM PST

banning water. tsk tsk.

Dihydrogen Monoxide is the most deadly and widespread pollutant on the planet, contributing hundreds of times more to global warming than all the greenhouse gases combined. Evil, maneating sharks thrive in it, including Oceanic Whitetips. It is the breeding ground for all manner of noxious species from malarial mosquitos, to bilharzia to the terrifying Candiru fish which swims up a fellow's urine stream while he's weeing and can only be removed by radical penidectomy. In winter it causes cars to slip off the road and crash and ice skaters to fall through cracks and die horribly just like in that scene in the Omen, or is it Omen II? In summer, just an inch of it is enough to drown you. It's a major constituent of acid rain. It erodes everything from soil to steel. It conceals crocodiles, alligators and piranhas. (H/T R Campbell)

Climate Change Not a Political Issue Anymore Except For Mainstream Media

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 07:57 AM PST

Cemetery at York Factory on Hudson BayCemetery at York Factory on Hudson Bay

Most of the public realizes the global warming and climate change due to human produced CO2 deception is over. Everyday more evidence both scientific and political events cause more people to change their view. Change, if not to opposition, is at least to reassessment. It appears some of the political leaders are aware and backing off from the potentially disastrous policies such as Kyoto. Ironically, and almost symbolically, Japan announced their opposition at the Cancun climate conference.

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