Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Climate Change Dispatch news

Climate Change Dispatch news

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What happened to the 'warmest year on record': The truth is global warming has halted

Posted: 05 Dec 2010 08:43 AM PST

cold baby

A year ago tomorrow, just before the opening of the UN Copenhagen world climate summit, the British Meteorological Office issued a confident prediction. The mean world temperature for 2010, it announced, 'is expected to be 14.58C, the warmest on record' - a deeply worrying 0.58C above the 19611990 average.

The EPA Versus the USA

Posted: 05 Dec 2010 06:27 AM PST

cartoon epa

It seems almost beyond reason that a single U.S. agency could so hate America that it was prepared to ignore the Constitution, distort a Supreme Court decision, and impose its will on the nation in the name of totally discredited science.

That, however, is what the Environmental Protection Agency is seeking to do while Americans are distracted by the Christmas celebrations.

Election Results Likely to Proliferate Climate-Related Lawsuits -- Study

Posted: 04 Nov 2010 07:49 AM PDT


Climate-related lawsuits are growing rapidly in the United States, even as federal climate change legislation seems to have been put on hold indefinitely following the results of Tuesday's midterm elections.

The number of lawsuits either supporting or opposing efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions is set to triple by the end of this year as compared to last year. And by late 2010 or early 2011, the nation could even see some of the more public and contentious climate change legal battles come before the Supreme Court.

Modern Phrenology Society Newsletter (satire)

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 05:16 AM PDT


There may still be hope for those of us interested in discredited nineteenth century science.  Those dedicated to the belief that measurements and study of the dimensions of, and bumps on, the skull define character and mental capacity have a new ally.  The currently embattled 'Human Caused Global Warming' movement is in need of our support.

Quoted as saying: Dean Koontz

Posted: 28 May 2010 12:13 PM PDT

book cover Restless

"When a scientist tells you that 'the science is settled' in regard to any subject, he's ceased to be a scientist, and he's become an evangelist for one cult or another. The entire history of science is that nothing in science is ever settled. New discoveries are continuously made, and they upend old certainties.…

"Most people tend to believe that the scientific theories of their time are the right ones, and that what remains for scientists to do is find ways to develop wondrous new technologies from their absolute understanding of nature's laws, structures, and mechanisms. Even many scientists succumb to the illusion that they live in the age of ultimate enlightenment. They become so committed to a theory that they spend entire careers ever more desperately defending it as new discoveries ever more rapidly undermine it."

—Dean Koontz, excerpted from his bestselling book Breathless

Midkiff picks, chooses among warming facts

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 02:08 PM PDT

Ken Midkiff: Grumpy old man
Midkiff, a.k.a. Grumpy old Ken

[Letter to the Tribune Editor] Ever long on opinion and short on reality, Ken Midkiff attacks those who won't agree with his superior acumen on global warming/climate change. Urging us to ignore "rancorous and stupid" e-mails from climatologists and "typos and inaccurate citations" in a recent International Panel of Climate Change report, he reiterates the tired myth that scientific consensus proves global warming is man-made.

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