Jumat, 31 Desember 2010
Re: [Bengawan] Malam Tahun Baru di RBI
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
nek butuh tim sukses ngomong wae...
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
tidak pernah membuat resolusi tiap tahun
Salam, Pipit Pito
Hai Pit, lha yang diobrolin semalem itu bukan resolusi yaa??
katane pengen jadi kayak Andrean saputro??
*paging aneg, sha, riwis
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
Semoga tetap Salam Sluman Slumun Slamet...!!!!
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Re: [Bengawan] Malam Tahun Baru di RBI
Ngono yo oleh mas...telepatimu alamate opo? *sok pekok
Alamat e ada di hatimu... *makin gak fokus*
*tetep sampluk mursid dan mhc*
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
nek butuh tim sukses ngomong wae...
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
tidak pernah membuat resolusi tiap tahun
Salam, Pipit Pito
Hai Pit, lha yang diobrolin semalem itu bukan resolusi yaa??
katane pengen jadi kayak Andrean saputro??
*paging aneg, sha, riwis
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Re: [Bengawan] Sedang Apa Sekarang?
2010/12/31 koko de djamal <koko.dedjamal@gmail.com>wah ada yg Anget disini ternyata,,,
kemarin ke2nya tampak mesra,,aku lihat dengan matakepala sendiri waktu,,, *ahsudahlah
*mbuh sopo sing tak rasani*
Jadi saksi betapa mesranya Kingkong dan Danindra. Berboncengan dan pegang2 perut yang sama buncit. *gilo dewe*
btw, aku ke sana 2 kali kok gak dapat diskon??? Aku cari tempat lain lho...
*bekep koko*
eh jadi mendingan ini jadikan tret SofyanLeaks aja nih...
membongkar rahasia jurus japri ala sofyan menggaet danindra, kingkong, dan Anisa Febrina..
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Re: [Bengawan] Malam Tahun Baru di RBI
Alamat e ada di hatimu... *makin gak fokus*
*tetep sampluk mursid dan mhc*
Selamat berjuang ya mas... semoga beneran mendapatkan hatinya anisa..haha
kayaknya dia ngirit koq, gak suka ngemil, cuman makannya banyak... *ups
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Re: [Bengawan] Malam Tahun Baru di RBI
Ngono yo oleh mas...telepatimu alamate opo? *sok pekok
Alamat e ada di hatimu... *makin gak fokus*
*tetep sampluk mursid dan mhc*
twitter: @sofyanr
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Re: [Bengawan] Malam Tahun Baru di RBI
selamat yo mas...
semoga sukses jurus japri-nya..ini ndak yo hasil didikane mas munep??
*nggeret mas didut ngisruh*
Sori sid, sudah gak main japri. Tapi pakai telepati... Bukan begitu sha...???
*tebar ranjau*
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Re: [Bengawan] Sedang Apa Sekarang?
wah ada yg Anget disini ternyata,,,
kemarin ke2nya tampak mesra,,aku lihat dengan matakepala sendiri waktu,,, *ahsudahlah
*mbuh sopo sing tak rasani*
Jadi saksi betapa mesranya Kingkong dan Danindra. Berboncengan dan pegang2 perut yang sama buncit. *gilo dewe*
btw, aku ke sana 2 kali kok gak dapat diskon??? Aku cari tempat lain lho...
*bekep koko*
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Re: [Bengawan] Malam Tahun Baru di RBI
selamat yo mas...
semoga sukses jurus japri-nya..ini ndak yo hasil didikane mas munep??
*nggeret mas didut ngisruh*
Sori sid, sudah gak main japri. Tapi pakai telepati... Bukan begitu sha...???
*tebar ranjau*
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
2011/1/1, Dony Alfan <dony.alfan@gmail.com>:
> met tahun baru, semoga Sam Ardi menikah di tahun ini
> --
> Dony Alfan S
> http://putradaerah.wordpress.com | http://dolankesolo.info |
> http://photoblog.web.id
> --
> Menuju 2 Tahun Komunitas Bengawan...
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
tidak pernah membuat resolusi tiap tahun
On 1/1/11, ~MHC~ <hendrides@gmail.com> wrote:
> melanjutkan resolusi 2010
> On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Raiderhost <syiwafc@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nikah
>> --
>> lokalisasi di tempat baru
>> http://raiderhost.info
>> --
>> Menuju 2 Tahun Komunitas Bengawan...
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>> milis : http://milis.bengawan.org
>> forum: http://forum.bengawan.org
>> twitter : http://twitter.bengawan.org
>> facebook : http://facebook.bengawan.org
> --
> ==========================================================
> *~MHC~*
> *Hendri Destiwanto*
> *IT Trainer - Blogger - Linuxer - Ubuntero - Plurker - Facebooker - Tweople*
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> ==========================================================
> --
> Menuju 2 Tahun Komunitas Bengawan...
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> twitter : http://twitter.bengawan.org
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Salam, Pipit Pito
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
Aku pria simple, dan tidak macem macem. Hidup yang lurus lurus, Jujur dan setia. Baik dan bijaksana, Mapan dan bersahaja. Sehat dan jauh dari narkoba.
Luqman Kumara a.k.a luxsman
home2011/1/1 Rose violy <rose_violy@yahoo.co.id>selamat tahun baru komunitas bengawan, semoga inspirasi kita semakin mengalir :)
Dari: ~MHC~ <hendrides@gmail.com>
Kepada: bengawan@googlegroups.com
Terkirim: Sab, 1 Januari, 2011 00:16:27
Judul: Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
melanjutkan resolusi 2010On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Raiderhost <syiwafc@gmail.com> wrote:
lokalisasi di tempat baru
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Hendri Destiwanto
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Climate Change Dispatch news
Climate Change Dispatch news | |
- Global Cooling, Part 3 of 3
- The most important book of 2010?
- Wonky Wheels Now Off the Warmist Ox Cart
- Op-ed piece on warming a 'bundle' of lies
- A step change in Earth’s Climate outlook
Posted: 31 Dec 2010 09:12 AM PST We are hearing that Great Britain is experiencing the coldest December in 1,000 years. We also know that atmospheric temperatures more or less stopped warming in 1998 and ocean heat content (the more important metric of the earth's temperature) is steady or slightly falling. These measurements are markedly different than the forecasts of warming made by the International Panel on Climate Change, the group cited by most global warming proponents. |
The most important book of 2010? Posted: 31 Dec 2010 09:06 AM PST My final post of the year is not about Global Warming. Or rather, it is, but only in the most tangential way. As the sharper among you will long since have recognised, the reason I bang on about AGW is not because I'm obsessed with "Climate Change" but because I recognise it as a strategically vital campaign in a much broader global culture war. On the outcome of this war depends not only the future of Western civilisation but also more immediately concerning things like whether or not our children and grandchildren have jobs, and whether or not we live in a state of liberty or tyranny. |
Wonky Wheels Now Off the Warmist Ox Cart Posted: 31 Dec 2010 08:54 AM PST No matter how hard these neutered steers pull on their yoke, there's no denying that warmist views are a cruel joke. There is no question that Climatology has operated with a scientific blind spot for decades. Under normal circumstances this would have been resolved through debate with the wider scientific community. |
Op-ed piece on warming a 'bundle' of lies Posted: 31 Dec 2010 08:50 AM PST Dr. Roy Spencer is disputing Judah Cohen's claim made in his New York Times op-ed, "Bundle Up, It's Global Warming," that global warming is responsible for the winters of recent years and for this year's extreme winter weather experienced by parts of the U.S, Europe, and Asia. |
A step change in Earth’s Climate outlook Posted: 31 Dec 2010 08:46 AM PST Churchville VA—As Britain suffers through its third straight harsh winter, a British watchdog group is calling for an inquiry into the failed recent long-range weather forecasts of the British Meteorological Office. The Met Office has long one of the leading promoters of man-made warming fears and therefore has tended to see warming around every corner. |
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
Dony Alfan S
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
selamat tahun baru komunitas bengawan, semoga inspirasi kita semakin mengalir :)
Dari: ~MHC~ <hendrides@gmail.com>
Kepada: bengawan@googlegroups.com
Terkirim: Sab, 1 Januari, 2011 00:16:27
Judul: Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
melanjutkan resolusi 2010On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Raiderhost <syiwafc@gmail.com> wrote:
lokalisasi di tempat baru
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Hendri Destiwanto
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Bls: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
Dari: ~MHC~ <hendrides@gmail.com>
Kepada: bengawan@googlegroups.com
Terkirim: Sab, 1 Januari, 2011 00:16:27
Judul: Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
melanjutkan resolusi 2010
lokalisasi di tempat baru
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Hendri Destiwanto
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
lokalisasi di tempat baru
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Hendri Destiwanto
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Re: [Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
#sent from Bandroid#
Best Regards,
Blog: http://samardi.wordpress.com
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"Good hacker is famous, but a great hacker always anonymous™"
"Jangan terima bila segel rusak"
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Hendri Destiwanto
IT Trainer - Blogger - Linuxer - Ubuntero - Plurker - Facebooker - Tweople
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[Bengawan] Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
#sent from Bandroid#
Best Regards,
Blog: http://samardi.wordpress.com
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"Good hacker is famous, but a great hacker always anonymous™"
"Jangan terima bila segel rusak"
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Re: [Bengawan] [DIKIT NGEJUNK BERJAMAAH]Posting terbaru Blogmu disini
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Re: [Bengawan] Sedang Apa Sekarang?
kemarin ke2nya tampak mesra,,aku lihat dengan matakepala sendiri waktu,,, *ahsudahlah
*mbuh sopo sing tak rasani*
2010/12/31 DIDUT <dianadi.prasetyo@gmail.com>
dia jg lagi bangun di SMGberarti yg di SMG buat persingghan tok ngono sidmlayu2010/12/31 mursid.web.id <kandani.ngeyel@gmail.com>kayaknya dulu cerita kalo lagi mbangun rumah di mana gitu..
terakhir kemarin lihat twitnya mbak okky katane mas sofyan jemput permaisuri di Surakarta..
*jebakan bukan ya?*
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
lokalisasi di tempat baru
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Re: [Bengawan] RESOLUSI 2011
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Computer Tips From A Computer Guy
Computer Tips From A Computer Guy |
Wake Up to Facebook and Twitter Trends Posted: 31 Dec 2010 04:56 AM PST Admittedly, many of us check Facebook and Twitter from our smartphones before we even roll out of bed in the morning. The less tech-savvy citizens of the world mock us for this habit, and label our phones crack-berries and i-addictions. Rooster.am is a new way to feed our social media morning habits. The service acts as a traditional wake up call, but instead of just bidding us good morning, it can tell us the latest Facebook events and Twitter trends, as well as the news, weather and important items on our Google calendars. To set a wake up call, click the yellow Set an Alarm button on the bottom right of the homepage. On the next screen, click the Sign Up button on the right. To use the service, you must provide your email address, a password, time zone and phone number. After entering this information, click Register. You be prompted to log in—if so, use the email and password you just provided. Once logged in, you should see a big yellow button prompting you to Create New Alarm. Click it. Wake up alarms are completely customizable. By default, the alarm starts with a greeting and the current time. Start your alarm by choosing which days of the week it should be sent, and at what time. Next, choose the notifications you want to receive in your message by dragging options from the right menu to the left menu. You can rearrange the order on the left menu by dragging and dropping items up or down. If an item appears in grey, that means you have not yet granted Rooster.am access to the service. Click the Authorize Websites link below the right menu to authorize these services. As you add items to the message menu, the preview in the middle of the screen changes to show what your message would read if it was sent right now. When we are satisfied, click Set Alarm. Your wake up call is then set to send at the specified time until you log in to Rooster.am and tell it otherwise. We have used Rooster.am for several days. So far, the service works like clockwork, exactly on time with its wakeup call. The voice reading the message is clear and easy to understand. If looking for a new way to wake up, the service is definitely worth a look.
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The Three Most Underused Applications that Ship with Windows 7 Posted: 31 Dec 2010 03:31 AM PST The applications that ship with Windows 7 are not usually considered real solutions. Many users of the operating system think of them as watered down software that can’t be used to get any work real done. Even though they are free, WordPad, Sticky Notes, and Calculator are three great utilities that have a place in your daily work routine. Learn about how these three underused applications can help you get more done in Windows 7. Microsoft WordPadShipping with all versions of Windows 7, WordPad has actually been a part of the Windows operating system lineup for many versions. Updated with a Ribbon interface much like Word and the other Office 2007/2010 applications, WordPad actually offers a few features – or lack of features – that make it an excellent word processing companion. Although WordPad does not come close to having the features found in its big brother Word, WordPad is a simple-to-use and hassle-free way to create documents. Most users of Word admit that they sometimes get bogged down in the seemingly endless number of features the word processor offers. The truth is that WordPad contains about 90% of the features you often use in Word. Instead of using a complicated application, why not use a simple yet stable alternative? Sticky NotesFor years, people have been populating the edges of their computer monitors with sticky notes (Post-it is a brand name owned by 3M Corporation). Microsoft heard the call and added the Sticky Notes application to Windows 7. The best feature of Sticky Notes is that you can simply click the plus symbol and add as many notes as you want to your desktop. Keep track of meetings, grocery lists, reminders, and you can even use Sticky Notes to jot down a quick note while on the phone. You no longer have to struggle with the phone in one hand while looking for a pen and paper with the other. CalculatorThe Calculator got a major overhaul in Windows 7 to include a host of new features. As usual, the familiar features are there such as Standard and Scientific view. New are the Programmer and Statistics modes added in Windows Vista. Also new are unit conversions. With that feature, you can convert measurement units to other units such as cubic feet to cubic centimeters and gallons to liters. You can use the Data Calculation feature to compute the number of days between two dates. Finally, you can use Worksheets to calculate Mortgage Payments, Vehicle Lease costs, and Fuel Economy. Before you reach for the calculator in your desk drawer, see what Windows 7’s onscreen Calculator can do for you. Just because something is free doesn’t mean it’s no good. The accessories applications that ship with Windows 7 are more powerful than you think. In fact, most of them are overlooked in favor of costly, more complicated alternatives. WordPad, Sticky Notes, and Calculator are three of the more underused applications that ship with Microsoft’s latest operating system. Check them out and see if you can get more done for free.
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